Trump Blames Biden for Ukraine War: If We Had ‘Real President’ Putin Never Would Have Invaded


In a recent statement, former President Donald Trump laid the blame for the ongoing Ukraine war squarely on President Joe Biden's shoulders, asserting that Vladimir Putin would never have invaded if Trump were still in office. Trump emphasized that Biden's perceived weakness and incompetence have emboldened Russia to act aggressively in Ukraine, leading to widespread devastation and loss of life.

Trump stated unequivocally, "If we had a real president, Putin would never have invaded Ukraine." He suggested that his own administration's strong stance and actions against Russia, such as imposing heavy sanctions and opposing the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, had kept Putin in check.

This contrasts with what he describes as Biden's "disastrous" withdrawal from Afghanistan, which he believes signaled weakness and contributed to the current crisis​​.

During an interview, Trump expressed confidence that he could end the Ukraine war swiftly if he were in the White House. He criticized the media for underreporting the true scale of destruction and casualties in Ukraine, insisting that the death toll is far higher than reported. "Those cities are being leveled," Trump said, stressing the urgency of a decisive peace deal​.

Trump's criticism of Biden also aligns with the views of other conservative figures. Harriet Hageman, a Republican congressional candidate, has echoed Trump's sentiment, stating that Putin would not have dared to invade Ukraine under Trump's leadership. She criticized the Biden administration's policies, which she believes have led to increased costs of energy, housing, and food, further destabilizing the situation​​.

The former president's remarks come amid ongoing debates about U.S. foreign policy and its impact on global stability.

Trump's comments highlight a significant divide in American politics regarding the best approach to dealing with Russia and supporting Ukraine. While Trump advocates for a swift peace negotiation, critics argue that his policies might have appeased Russia, a claim he firmly denies​.

The debate over Trump's foreign policy legacy and Biden's current strategies continues to be a focal point in the broader discussion of U.S. involvement in international conflicts and the pursuit of peace. As the situation in Ukraine remains dire, the question of how the U.S. can best support a resolution remains critical​.



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