Secret Service Under Fire After Breaking Into Massachusetts Salon to Use Bathroom


In an alarming display of disregard for private property, U.S. Secret Service agents reportedly broke into a local salon in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, to use its restroom facilities without the owner's consent. The incident took place on July 27, 2024, ahead of a fundraiser for Vice President Kamala Harris, sparking widespread outrage and raising questions about the agency's conduct.

Salon owner Alicia Powers recounted the disturbing events, which began when she noticed that her Ring security camera had been covered with duct tape. Upon reviewing the footage, Powers discovered that Secret Service agents had taped over her camera, picked the lock to her business, and allowed various individuals, including people in emergency medical uniforms, to use her salon’s restroom for nearly two hours​.

Powers, who had no prior warning or request for access, was shocked by the agents' actions. "They had a bunch of people in and out of here doing a couple of bomb sweeps—totally understand what they have to do due to the nature of the situation," Powers told Business Insider. "But my team felt it was a little bit chaotic, and we decided to close for Saturday"​.

Adding insult to injury, the agents left the building unlocked and failed to remove the tape from the security camera before leaving. Powers was particularly alarmed by the security risks posed by leaving her business vulnerable in such a manner. "This is our livelihood, and it could have been taken from all of my 12 employees in a flash," she said​.

After Business Insider contacted the Secret Service about the incident, a representative from the agency’s Boston field office reached out to Powers to apologize. The agent acknowledged that the actions taken by the Secret Service were "very wrong" and assured her that this was not standard procedure. The agency offered to compensate Powers by paying for the salon's cleaning, covering the alarm bill, and possibly more, but the damage—both literal and reputational—had already been done​.

Despite the apology, the incident has left many questioning the accountability of those involved. Critics have pointed out that this behavior reflects poorly on an agency that is already under scrutiny for other lapses in judgment. The question remains whether the agents responsible will face any consequences or if this will be swept under the rug as yet another example of government overreach​.

The broader implications of the incident have not been lost on observers. The Secret Service's behavior has raised concerns about the agency's respect for private property and the potential for such actions to undermine public trust. "Are these agents and their leadership going to be held to account, or are they above the law? Something tells me it’s the latter," wrote Olivia Murray for American Thinker, highlighting the growing frustration among small business owners and citizens alike​.

The incident has also ignited a debate about the balance between security measures and civil liberties. While the need for rigorous security protocols is understood, the manner in which they are implemented has come under intense scrutiny. Powers herself expressed a willingness to cooperate had she been asked for permission, but the Secret Service's decision to bypass her entirely only fueled her sense of violation.


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