Oklahoma Schools Implement Bible Curriculum Amid Controversy


In a move sparking debate across the state, Oklahoma has approved the implementation of a Bible-based curriculum in its public schools. This decision aligns with a broader trend seen nationwide, as multiple states embrace similar educational initiatives. The curriculum, offered by the National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools (NCBCPS), aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the Bible's historical and cultural significance.

On June 27, 2024, the Oklahoma State Board of Education greenlit the Bible curriculum, marking a significant shift in the state's educational framework. This curriculum, already implemented in over 3,500 high schools across 41 states, is designed to enhance students' biblical and cultural literacy without promoting any specific religious beliefs​.

Proponents argue that the Bible has deeply influenced Western civilization and that understanding its content is crucial for students. State Representative Steve Hickey, a key supporter, emphasized that the curriculum is about cultural literacy rather than religious indoctrination. "Students need to be aware of the Bible's immense cultural influence," Hickey stated, reflecting a sentiment shared by many supporters.

The NCBCPS curriculum includes a comprehensive study of the Bible's impact on history, literature, and the arts. It has been tailored to meet constitutional guidelines, ensuring that it serves an educational rather than devotional purpose. According to the NCBCPS, 93% of school boards approached with this curriculum have adopted it, citing its educational value​.

This move follows the passing of several related bills in Oklahoma. Senate Bill 1169, for instance, mandates the teaching of "patriotic education" focusing on state history, while Senate Bill 1121 requires transparency in teacher training and professional development materials. These legislative actions reflect a broader conservative push to influence educational content and ensure that it aligns with certain cultural values​.

The decision has received mixed reactions. Supporters, including many parents and conservative groups, praise it as a necessary step to ensure students are well-rounded and culturally literate. They argue that understanding the Bible is essential for grasping various cultural and historical contexts in Western history​​.

Conversely, critics warn that this move could blur the lines between church and state. They argue that despite the curriculum's educational framing, its implementation in public schools might implicitly endorse a particular religious perspective. Organizations advocating for secular education express concerns about potential violations of the First Amendment​.

Oklahoma is not alone in this endeavor. States like Texas, Georgia, and Tennessee have passed similar laws promoting the academic study of the Bible. These efforts are part of a broader national movement to reintroduce religious texts into public education under the guise of cultural literacy. The Bible Literacy Project, another prominent curriculum provider, has also seen widespread adoption of its materials across the country​​.


  1. Our Constitution, Our Laws, our Culture are all based on the “Christian Doctrine”.

    The pilgrims came to America because the King of England was dictating “Doctrine” they didn’t believe, God was never barred from Government, only a particular doctrine, and “FREEDOM” from being forced to believe a dictated doctrine, was the “Freedom of Religion”,


    Our Constitution Was Made Only for a Moral and Religious People.

    if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths, which are the instruments of investigation in Courts of Justice? And let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that National morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.

    Without those great pillars of human happiness—religion and morality, with the former supporting the latter—the courts of justice become a sham because oaths cannot be trusted. Property, reputation, and life will not be protected.

    We’re having a good “PREVIEW” of what results with the “ABSENCE OF GOD” in the “Lawfare against Trump.


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