Jill Biden’s Gaslighting: Shielding Joe Biden from Public Scrutiny


In a recent turn of events, Michael LaRosa, former press secretary for First Lady Jill Biden, has publicly criticized the "scripted" nature of the Biden administration's handling of President Joe Biden's public appearances and communications.

This revelation has reignited concerns about the transparency and honesty of the Biden administration, particularly regarding the President's cognitive health and ability to effectively lead the country.

From a Republican perspective, this development underscores a significant issue: the apparent gaslighting by Jill Biden and her team to protect the President from public scrutiny. Critics argue that this manipulation is not only deceptive but also dangerous, as it prevents the American public from having a clear understanding of the President's capabilities and state of mind.

LaRosa's comments highlight the controlled environment surrounding President Biden, where his interactions and statements are meticulously managed to avoid any signs of weakness or cognitive decline. This strategy, while intended to maintain a facade of stability, raises serious questions about the authenticity of Biden's public persona and his true fitness for office.

The Republican viewpoint emphasizes the importance of transparency and honesty in leadership. They argue that the American people deserve to know the full extent of their President's health and capabilities, especially given the high stakes of the upcoming 2024 election. The controlled and scripted nature of Biden's appearances is seen as a deliberate attempt to hide the truth from the public.

Furthermore, this situation brings into question the role of Jill Biden in the administration. By shielding her husband from scrutiny and managing his public image, she is perceived as playing a key role in this deception. Republicans contend that this level of control is unprecedented and undermines the democratic process by preventing a genuine assessment of the President's ability to lead.

LaRosa's revelations have also sparked discussions about the broader implications of such manipulation. If the President's team is willing to go to great lengths to control his image, what other aspects of the administration might be similarly managed or obscured from public view? This lack of transparency is troubling for many who value open and honest governance.

In summary, the Republican perspective on Michael LaRosa's comments about the scripted nature of President Biden's public appearances is one of concern and criticism. They view this as a clear example of gaslighting by Jill Biden and her team, aimed at protecting the President from scrutiny and hiding his true condition from the American people. As the 2024 election approaches, these issues of transparency and honesty will likely play a significant role in shaping public opinion and the political landscape.


  1. Lingering yet in the background is the association of the Biden FAMILY and China, often spoken of the criminal actions. Biden’s administration has always been questioned by some that he is nothing but a puppet. Among the puppeteers, I’d name Obama. We need new players in the role of anyone vying for a new president. Trump, fairly good as prez, is not a nice man, lied on air the other night and the decision arrived at today that he might be above action to be held accountable is downright frightening!

  2. She wants to be president SOOO BAD! Well, as a good demonicRAT, she lies as well as her husband. The whole family is the most evil, disgusting, filthy scumbags, ever to occupy the WH! Can’t wait for Trump to get back! He needs to DESTROY EVIL, and with God’s help, he will. THEY hate America, Americans, Black folks, Brown folks, Yellow folks, AND God. What they love are gays, transgenders, criminals (they’re releasing them from jail). I am SICK of obama, pelosi, biden and ALL the BOTTOM FEEDERS! LETS GET AMERICA BACK AGAIN!!!!!

  3. jill biden is an pathetic, evil, power hungry, disgusting, elder abuser, who has no respect, for dementia, joe, who has totally lost it, is unfit for any job, and she needs to make him step down, for America’s sake. She is the abuser, and mouth, for cadaver, joe and should be reported to authorities for mental abuse, lying, and being an unfit partner, for old, senile, racist, lying, arrogant, puppet, fool, mentally unfit, phony, fake, president, that doesn’t have a clue, what is going on, but run him anyway, u fools. This entire family has gone off the deep end, and we need to remove thembefore he creates more damage and destruction, to America and the people.

  4. Sickest people ever to be a First Lady, First Son and Pedophile President of the Democratic Party!!!!! The fact he can no longer control his bodily functions alone is grounds for removal!!!!!!!!! Human Scum as this was all known by the Democratic Party before Biden Basement Election!!!!!! All need to be criminally charged with lying and treason for taking instruction from others in the Democratic Party and whoever is involved must be charged with treason and attempting to overthrow our government!!!!!!!!!! From Russiagate, Ukraine telephone call, Jan 6th all Vlinton and Pelosi tricks and now all the players in the persecution of the Republicans Candidate for President!!!!! Every person involved in these scams must be held accountable for their actions of TREASON!!!!!


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