Daniel Perry’s Controversial Pardon Sparks Outrage Amidst Texas BLM Riot and Garrett Foster’s Tragic Death


In the midst of a heated Black Lives Matter protest in Texas, a name suddenly made headlines – Daniel Perry. The young man had received a pardon from the state for his role in the tragic death of fellow protester, Garrett Foster. The news sparked widespread outrage and debate, leaving many wondering about the true implications of such a decision. Let's dive deeper into the story and uncover the complexities behind this controversial pardon.

The incident in question occurred during a BLM demonstration in July of 2020, where tensions were already high as protesters marched for racial justice. Amidst the chaos, Perry claims to have accidentally hit Foster with his car after he turned into a street that had been blocked off by the protesters.

The impact resulted in Foster's death, and Perry was initially charged with manslaughter. However, just a few short months later, the charges were dropped and Perry was officially pardoned by the state of Texas.

Naturally, this turn of events has left many outraged and questioning the motives behind the pardon. Some have accused the state of prioritizing the protection of law enforcement over justice for a fellow protester. Others have raised concerns about the possible political implications of the decision, especially given the timing of the pardon – just days before the US Presidential election. But perhaps the most pressing question is, what message does this send to the BLM movement and the fight for racial equality?

One could argue that the pardon sends a dangerous message – that individuals can escape accountability for their actions, especially if they are aligned with a certain political ideology or cause. It raises questions about the true motives of those in positions of power and the extent to which they are willing to protect their own. And in the midst of a movement that is fighting against systemic racism and injustice, this pardon only adds fuel to the fire and undermines the progress that has been made.

Furthermore, the decision to pardon Perry has brought to light the lack of accountability and justice for Black individuals in America's criminal justice system. Many have pointed out the stark contrast between Perry's pardon and the countless instances where Black individuals have faced severe consequences for much less severe offenses. It highlights the ongoing issue of systemic racism and the urgent need for reform within the justice system.

In conclusion, the pardon of Daniel Perry has sparked a contentious debate about the true priorities and values of the state of Texas. It has reignited discussions about the fight for racial equality and the importance of accountability and justice for all individuals, regardless of their race or political beliefs.

As the nation continues to grapple with issues of systemic racism and injustice, this decision serves as a reminder that there is still much work to be done. Let us hope that this incident serves as a catalyst for positive change and a step towards a more just and equitable society.

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  1. Screw Black Lives Matter as it was formed to riot, destroy property and raise money to buy personal mansions, etc for the founders.

    • Right on they did all that and blackmailed the city’s too stop it and the dumb stupid kids got told clear out by blm thugs. I seen it happen and drove through it ever day going to work at Seattle U.And the mayor calling it the summer of love. What a joke on the people liveing in the neighborhood having to pay to live and come back home. AND CLOSING DONE A COP SHOPE THEY MADE SEATTLE PAY blm big bucks.Screw blm.

  2. I am very glad that he got pardoned and it should be. First of all, there’s an angry mob all around him and another individual having a gun that was on the driver side where Daniels was. of course he did the right thing by protecting himself that could have been used legal force against him. The BLM got away with so much stuff with all the riots running down the country, people getting robbed murdered and then you got just one instant where he had every right to shoot the guy that was holding another gun with an angry mob. And if I was Daniel’s I would have done the same thing and that’s the bottom line.

  3. I am very glad that he got pardoned and it should be. First of all, there’s an angry mob all around him and another individual having a gun that was on the driver side where Daniels was. of course he did the right thing by protecting himself that could have been used legal force against him. The BLM got away with so much stuff with all the riots running down the country, people getting robbed murdered and then you got just one instant where he had every right to shoot the guy that was holding another gun with an angry mob. And if I was Daniel’s I would have done the same thing and that’s the bottom line. That is all I’m going to say about this incident. I forgot one last thing. What about all the protesters? The BLM and the other people that started burning down the country and Kamala Harris starting a foundation to collect money to bail these people out of prison. Now that’s a bunch of b******* right there

    • Unless I am mistaken, I have seen more whites in the BLM mobs, than blacks. So the person who pointed the gun at Perry expected to murder him and get away with it.

      The BLM mobs have gotten away with their lawlessness for so many years. They have come to expect/demand the right to continue with no repercussions. Had the police been allowed to do the job the way it should be done, perhaps Foster would be alive. Perhaps this particular riot would not have happened.

      Apparently depending on your cause self-defense is not allowed.

  4. It sounds like the writer of this article is trying to start a fight, maybe he got his feelings hurt when someone that BLM tried to severally hurt got free for doing what he had too to survive. It ws ok if the BLM did it & called it self defense when they attacked innocent unarmed people & senior citizens but i guess this guy thinks all that was ok & right. Im glad he got freed, they finally did something right, now if they would just arrest the BLM idiots with all the destruction, death & assaults they committed they might could solve part of americas problem. Entitled rich kids that need their parents to whoop their asses, cause if you looked blm was mostly rich white kids juat causing problems but Antifa is where the black folks came out, so they could cause more problems, what about arresting & getn prison sentences for them? They should never see the light of day outside of a prison for life. The damage, death & chaos thet caused shouldve been considered terrorist & traitors & been charged as such, regardless of color of skin, if you was part of it you should pay for it. Their terrorist just like the biden regime

  5. Foster was white, joined a BLM protest which are always destructive and carrying a AK-47 as the writer noted. That is NOT the recipe for a “Peaceful Protest”. Perry’s car is stopped and surrounded and Foster presents himself with an aggressive posture. Perry neutralises the immediate threat – Case freak’n Closed. If the poxy BLM people want accountability, they should go after the punks and punkettes who founded BLM, took the money and RAN. To the BLM and their followers, everything is racist, even though 97.79% of the claimed racism is a made-up fantasy.


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