Military Veterans Disclose UFO Encounter During Missile Test



In a stunning revelation, multiple military veterans have come forward to disclose an extraordinary encounter with an unidentified flying object (UFO) that reportedly interfered with a nuclear missile test over California. This incident, which has been kept under wraps for decades, is now coming to light, raising questions about national security and the presence of advanced aerial phenomena in our skies.

The event in question dates back to September 15, 1964, when a disc-shaped UFO allegedly intercepted and disabled a dummy nuclear warhead mid-flight with beams of light. The testimony comes from retired US Air Force officers Lieutenant Bob Jacobs and Major Florenze Mansmann, who claim to have witnessed the recording of the encounter before the tape mysteriously disappeared.

According to the veterans, the footage captured a saucer-shaped craft circling the unarmed warhead shortly after it detached from the Atlas missile booster. It then emitted four beams of light at the warhead, effectively disabling it. This account aligns with other patterns identified by UFO experts, where unidentified objects seem to interact with nuclear weapons systems.

The credibility of these claims is bolstered by the fact that Luis Elizondo, the former director of the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), acknowledged the existence of the video. Elizondo, who has been involved in several high-profile leaks of military footage showing UFOs, confirmed the details of the event in internal interviews.

However, the video’s current whereabouts are unknown. It was reported that the Pentagon may have destroyed Elizondo’s files and emails, including the video in question, in direct violation of a legal Preservation Order. This order mandated that all of Elizondo’s electronic and hard copy files be preserved indefinitely, raising concerns about why such potentially significant evidence would be eliminated.

The implications of this incident are far-reaching. If extraterrestrial or unknown entities possess the technology to interfere with our nuclear arsenal, this could represent a strategic threat that demands immediate and thorough investigation. Moreover, the secrecy surrounding such encounters suggests a possible cover-up at the highest levels of government.

Skeptics might argue that during the Cold War, reports of UFOs provided convenient cover for black ops programs testing secret military hardware. However, the detailed descriptions provided by the military officials involved in the 1964 incident suggest that what they witnessed was not merely a diversion but a genuine unexplained phenomenon.

As we grapple with the potential realities of UFOs and their interest in our military capabilities, it is imperative that we approach these disclosures with an open mind and a commitment to uncovering the truth. The safety and security of our nation may well depend on understanding the intentions and capabilities of these mysterious visitors.